Friday, June 18, 2010


Yo!  I'm going camping in The Adirondacks for the weekend and I shall take photos and fill you in on any excitement, or just cool places to go camping and hang out.

THEN, I'm moving to Ghent in Belgium, in July.  So more pics and stories to be told from that destination. Sooooooo........until next week, ciao ciao and some stories are to come! xxx

Monday, June 14, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010


I just got all A.D.D. & fucked with the settings on this blog and now it looks like a bland ugly boring poop stain. I want my OLD background back, but I'm too over it to do it now.  So apologies, and the old gaudy background will be back soon :-(


[3 days later]

OK......I've tried my best.  My head's spinning a little lately with some stuff that's going on in life, so hopefully this new look to my blog will represent a new look to my life....?  HA!  Woh.

Anyway, any comments, complaints, disses or love are welcome! 

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My veggie patch

Here are some veggies & herbs that are happily growing in my garden!




(Now I get confused, cos a big rain washed away some of the tags, so I'm not sure exactly which is which, but I'll do my best!!!)

I think this is cabbage

And these are definitely the chili pepper plants

This is either broccoli or brussel sprouts


All home grown and organic.  Pretty cool, don't you reck?!

Ricotta and Lemon Birthday Cakey

I was supposed to take more photos of this fabulous birthday cake I made for my boyfriend on the weekend.  All I have is this photo with the cake in it with me and his best friend kissing him!
I got the recipe for this insanely delicious Ricotta and Lemon cake from Broxholm Road blog.  I think a friend sent it to me, as she knew I'd like it, but I don't know that she realised it's an old Italian fave of mine.  My father's from Italy and I spent half of my childhood there visiting rels.  At easter time we would have this ricotta a lemon cake that tasted very much like this recipe on the Broxholm Road blog.

So, I made the cake in two round tins and added a filling/topping.  Off hand I made a lemony zesty cream cheese frosting.  Oh yes!  

I simply took your average 8oz block of cream cheese, about 2 table spoons of softened butter and free poured about 3 - 4 cups of powdered icing sugar.  I creamed them all together and added, like, 2 teaspoons of vanilla essence.  Then  I scraped a whole lemon's zest into the mix, then squeezed in the juice.  Only squeeze as much juice as you feel you need. Whip up all the ingredients so it's all nicely blended and a bit fluffy.
Add more powder to thicken, add more lemon juice to loosen.  You can also put the mix in the fridge to solidify it slightly, making it easier to spread without any dripping.

I put lemon jam I bought from the farmers market in the centre and the cream cheese frosting all over the outside.

And it was divine!