Wednesday, March 23, 2011

From Junk To Funk

A whopper of a storm blew into Bangkok this morning.  It was POUNDING down outside (I forgot how much more dramatic storms are from beneath a tin roof!)  Trust me, it was wild.  If this blog post had sound effects you'd be worried for me!
Anywaaaay, I was going to spend the day indoors feeling guilt free about not going out - because rainy days do that.  But instead I went to my friend's house and helped him turn a 1970's truck windscreen he picked up for free at a scrap metal yard here in Bangkok, into a tres cool retro coffee table!

First we laid the windscreen (windshield) on a small table (while I shoved pineapple down my throat apparently).

Then we soaked the old bits of glue and shit, from old stickers that had been on there, with boiling water-soaked rags and followed that with a good scrub and scrape with a couple of razor blades.  
Menu, the lady who sells Somtum's daughter, watched intently whilst sucking on a dirty 20baht note.
And now it's standing to dry, all clean and sparkly!

Pictures by Liam Morgan

I'll post the finished product after my friend's finished making the stand.  We're having visuals of a golden gun laying on it though, with a jar of Nutella beside it.  Yes, we are having rather pimp visions.  Aren't you?

AND HERE'S (nearly) THE FINISHED PRODUCT!!!  Well.....he has to build the stand yet....but not bad for a start INNIT!


  1. I LOVE IT.
    What is the stand going to be like? It looks so dangerous though, I'd be the retard to try and put my beer on the sloped bit. It'd probably balance there to begin with, but as the night wears on I'd be spilling shit everywhere!
    Want pineapple. Want to wear shorts. Want to visit you.

  2. Lili darling, it's going to be made of metal taken from an old fence that was once out the front of a temple. It's going to be a kind of criss-cross I believe....kind of hard to describe, so I'll cheat and just post a photo when it's done.
    There have been suggestions of 2 tires being places beneath it and someone else said suspend it from the ceiling....hmmmm....either way - I'll let ya know when it's done!
    Yes, u would be the retard to break it and that would be fine anyway cos it was free & u probably would break it by putting down some fab food you'd made.
    I'll shove pineapple thru Skype at u 2moro & shine a heat bulb thru the screen. Might work ;)
